Get to know our good friend @lilymcmanus 😍Lily popped into our Mackelvie street store and picked out her favourite styles from our latest collection. Featuring the Desert Flower Western Boots, Stolen Rib Tank, Acid Rain Shorts and Ninja Star Belt. 



Special guest: Lily Mc Manus

 Any nicknames?  Goon Queen

 Occupation: Reality Tv Hoe

 Place of birth: Australia, Byron Bay

 Instagram: lilymcmanus

 Star Sign: scorpio

My day doesn’t start until….

 Music + Coffee

 They say success and waking up early go hand in hand…What time do you rise and shine?

 Depends on the day, ideal wakeup is 10am. The longer I can be unconscious before the day starts the better.

 Any tattoos?


 Name something in society that doesn’t make sense to you?

 Bras = Expensive Tittie Holders. Someone should be paying me to hold them

 My Pick of poison when I go out is?

 Beer, Lager, no pale ale bullshit

 A cause close to your heart is?

 Hearing Loss in young people

 If you had to listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Red Hot Chilli Peppers – Blood Sugar Sex Magic